Piercing Bumps 101
What is a Piercing Bump? A Piercing bump is a small lump that can appear after a piercing. They appear as a bump on or near the piercing. They may be red, and itchy and may ooze clear fluid. Why did I get a piercing bump? Piercing bumps occur when the body’s immune system responds to a wound and initiates the healing response. This response leads to inflammation, which is what causes a bump. A popular reason for a piercing bump can be friction with the post length. If the labret post is not downsized within the correct length of...
Read moreLab-grown Diamonds VS Natural Diamonds
Do you know the difference between a lab-grown diamond and a natural diamond? Most of us don’t. The only difference between the two is the process by which they are made. A lab-grown diamond is exactly that, made in a lab whereas a natural diamond is formed and harvested from the earth. Lab-grown diamonds are made in laboratories using advanced techniques that mimic the conditions that natural diamonds develop under in the earth's mantle. Scientists use either a combination of extremely high temperatures and pressure or a process called Chemical Vapour Deposition to create these conditions and then wait for...
Read moreWhat is Piercing Jewellery Downsizing?
So many of us are guilty of leaving the original piercing jewellery in our piercings simply because we forget and are too busy to go back and have it downsized. For some piercings this is not an issue, however, for others downsizing is crucial to the healing and long term health of your piercing. Piercing jewellery downsizing is where the posts threaded into the ear at the time of the piercing are downsized to something shorter after the initial swelling of your piercing has gone down. For a piercing like the lobe, this is not a necessity but is more...
Read moreCelebrity Ear Curations You Can Get Too
Are you wanting to add a little sparkle to your ears, but not sure where to start? With so many to choose from, navigating all the different piercing trends can be overwhelming at times. That's why at Covetear, we love to seek inspiration from like-minded people. Daring artists and style trailblazers. These celebrities have always been at the forefront of setting trends, and one area where their influence shines is in the realm of piercings. From intricate ear stacks to bold facial adornments, these celebrities use piercings as a canvas for self-expression and style. So, if you've been looking for some piercing-inspo, here...
Read moreThe Women Around Us #IWD2024
#InternationalWomensDay is an important day to celebrate female achievements, personal and professional. The theme this year is #InspireInclusion. When women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment. The aim is is to collectively forge a more inclusive world for women. At Covetear, we believe that women have the power to lead, to inspire, and to prosper in an inclusive, bias free world. We interviewed five inspiring females - groundbreakers, muses and friends to share what International Womens Day means to them. Tell us a bit about yourself. I am a mother of two extremely beautiful and energetic...
Read moreA Piercing Needle or Piercing Gun? The Lowdown.
Piercing Needles vs Guns. Let's face it - many of us have experienced the piercing gun at our local chemist or fashion jewellery store - most likely between the sweet ages of 6-16. Automatic devices have been used for years to perform our rite-of-passage piercings, but now professional body piercers are calling for a ban on them. Curious about why? Read on.
Read moreHypoallergenic Piercing Earrings for Sensitive ...
Sensitive skin can put a dampner on the joy of wearing earrings, but there is a solution: hypoallergenic metals. If your earlobes become red, splotchy, or painful when wearing earrings, your skin may be allergic to the metal used. Not all metals are suitable for sensitive skin, but understanding which ones are hypoallergenic can help you find the perfect earrings. In this article, we will explore hypoallergenic jewellery and provide advice on the best earrings for individuals with sensitive ears. Understanding Hypoallergenic Jewellery Hypoallergenic jewellery is crafted from metals that are unlikely to cause allergic reactions. Nickel allergies are the...
Read moreWhat To Expect After Your Piercing
Your new piercing may: Bleed a bit or be swollen for the first few days. A cold compress and/or ice will help reduce swelling and slow bleeding. Be tender, itchy, or even bruised for a few weeks. Secrete a whiteish-yellow fluid which may dry on the piercing. This is normal and will stop when the piercing is healed. Do not pick this with your fingers! During the first few weeks, some bleeding, localised swelling, tenderness, and/or bruising is expected. Throughout your healing process, you may also notice some discolouration, itching, and the secretion of a whitish-yellow fluid (not pus) that will form some crust on the...
Read morePiercing Placements For Curated Lobes
Expanding the landscape of your ear piercings is an art form – especially if you don’t want it to look too cluttered or chaotic. Balance, symmetry, skin tone and natural ear anatomy are all important to consider when designing your dream stack.
Read moreThe 411 On Piercing Your Child's Ears
At Covetear, we offer a reimagining of this special, coming-of-age moment. One that is warm, comfortable, and safe – and just as inviting to the parents or caregivers as the child.
Read moreHow To Curate The Perfect Stack
Curating the perfect ear stack, in our opinion, is a fine art. For those with multiple piercings, finding the perfect combination comes down to balance and creative expression – enter ‘Ear Curators’. Our Covetear specialists are trained in selecting the perfect placement, arrangement and jewellery style for your lobes.
Read moreThese Celebs Have Got Serious Stacking Game
Let it be known, curating a seriously stylish ear-scape (it's a thing, promise) requires a great level of skill and attention to detail. When it comes to designing your perfect piercing curation, balance is key. Over the years, you may have amassed more piercings than you care to remember, and so, a little thoughtful curation might be in order. And what better way to get those creative juices flowing than by checking out some of our current favourite celebrity ear-scapes for inspiration.
Read moreInfected vs. Irritated?
You would’ve heard by now a lot about the latest piercing trends – if you’re part of the Covetear universe and an enthusiast – welcome. We’re happy to have you. One thing fashion editorials or albeit even your local chemist may fail to educate you on is the nitty-gritty details of piercing culture – like the healing process. A rite of passage in any piercing journey, we’re here to shed light on what to expect, and when to reach out to a Covetear piercing master for guidance on your new piercing.
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